Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I multitask. I carry gear and learn too!


schlep definition

and shlep
  1. tv.
    to drag or carry someone or something. (From German schleppen via Yiddish.) : Am I supposed to schlep this whole thing all the way back to the store?
  2. n.
    a journey; a distance to travel or carry something. : It takes about twenty minutes to make the schlep from here to there.
  3. n.
    a stupid person; a bothersome person. (Literally, a drag.) :Ask that shlep to wait in the hall until I am free. I'll sneak out the back way.

Hello readers. You have traversed through all the ample distractions and found yourself at the cave entrance I have created to educate other photographers and photographers-to-be through my experiences as a photography assistant and professional-photographer-to-be (-some-day-hopefully-etc-etc). I hope I can give you all a simple, educated look into the world of professional photography while I climb up the ladder to self-sustained photography work.

Since this is my first blog post, I would like to thank you very much for stopping by. Please visit me regularly (once a week or so), as I will be posting something new, whether it's just general topics on photo, cool links from other photog friends, or my experiential writings after assisting professional photographers, the reason in which this blog was created.

If you haven't read my bio, it's right up there on the left side (I'm literally pointing; you can't see me). I'd rather not go into details about me. This blog is about photography.

I love photography. The capture of light and the life given to our subjects told by a simple still image. We curve, bounce, twist, fade, cut, and create light. We capture the souls and essences of our subjects through a viewfinder (or LCD), and create a limitless lifetime for those we've photographed.

Enough blabber. Welcome. I have a couple posts waiting in the back burner, so I will post them soon after I send this one off into the black abyss of the web.

See you then.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there Bryan. Love the blog! How brave you are.
    Your writings seem very informative and intelligent. No surprise there! Keep up the good work. I'm a very proud Auntie!!!

    Hugs and Kisses
